Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mount And Blade Hair Style Mod

Winds of Destiny...

today I woke up on the wrong foot, I suppose q d the praktika why I'm doing this q, q me miserable existence
Y_Y good, I tell it fast and q is actually a xorrada XDDD
was determined, after d think about it, to leave the Practika. q I said I felt bad and went to the doctor ke me, I took my things and went straight to the academy kejarme Kurso where I started.
there were surprised how bad q d I were going praktika .. (I tried fucking EVIL U_U) so q.. Well, in the end it will come back to this damn office, and not only that, if q were just looking for someone for a job d 3 hours daily.
this afternoon going to sign the kontrato for a month, with renewal likely ^ 0 ^! XDD high
and returning to my home I discovered a store d manga, anime, video games, figurines and merchandishing! *_*!!! q wai! and had Kolga the EMB kartel and said something so komo "free gift just for attending" >.\u0026lt;!!! ... and had a copy shop near the q had some pictures in the window, had a child in an era komo q kyo but chikitiiiinn! >.\u0026lt;!!!! XDDDD if, the latter is a q kidding, but hey XDDDDD ke
so I put the CD player to return to home and ... wo! q song sound? winds of destiny (winds of fate) d XDDDDD
cloth + Doll's not all something strange? O_o? XDDDD

good for nothing, kon this is what i want to say things can Kambia q at least t expect it, sometimes worse, but many, at the best ^ ^

^ 3 ^!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Do You Congratulate A New Baby

KYO - live ...

well, today I wanted to simply upload videos d d dir en gray lives for today q Y_Y better not talk ...

Mushi (ugly kingdom)

Zakuro (macabre tour)

Zakuro (blitz 5 days)

Jealous (osaka jo hall)

Jealous (blitz 5 days)

Dead Tree (withers and withers tour)

live in the latter is just the angle q kyo focuses on ... by q Today is your day ... and tomorrow too .... T_T

Monday, November 27, 2006

Sandals Packaging Solution


today I entered the vein of no logo ... D
all because some feedback accumulated ... uu

brand clothing is very good. this very well q q is an artist has an original idea. plasma this idea, designs, and performed. kual it's great, so we all enjoyed by q d the idea of the artist original.
then puts a mark, a Etiket a logo. then such pledge becomes "d clothing brand" which I think is great tb.

if I like this innovative garment and the price is Asek, or I have money to buy it, then maybe you do, and if I do will be for original garment q I like.
but of course, not everyone thinks so.

the people there a product kompra kual so q is and q not carry the logo. But Klara, q tb there are people prefer to do the reverse. Q People
kompra a logo, a brand. Like really gives the garment while wearing that logo. d done, I'm sure dq, d all d brand clothes in your closet with q, there is no place in the ke no logo or at least the name d the mark, if it's bigger, better.

my position on this issue is, q if something I really like and I have money to buy it, maybe you do, or maybe not.
might prefer not to have names d things in my body or pictures q I do not care, or maybe one day take one and I feel comfortable on kon. Aunke

, really, I always prefer q-equal I preferring q d for over 10 years-not carry any logo, buy cheap and then customize.
q buy in a Chinese bazaar has 0 glamor give a fuck. hexose ring are q d my tin I find something original. q my black boots with an unpronounceable name porq aunke no one will pronounce it sound to anything I do not care the least.
q if an item kieres t like and buy it, it's cool, that means by q q q someone has created something going with you. q Mekanik someone opens the website and choose d xxx brand garments at random, q on the other hand will be very good, nice d Kalidad, I think d lambs, d over, have fewer d d d 2 fingers front.

greetings to all designers KOMPLEMENT q d clothes and do a great job and have muxa originality. another greeting, sheep kompran q logos.

Friday, November 24, 2006

What Goes With Red Walls


well, a lively chat yesterday tube q q reminded me of something I wrote some time ago, the principles of Naismo and Kyoismo. Q
knew something had written somewhere and, in effect, enkontré ^ 0 ^!
ke so without further ado, aki-aix XDDDD I leave .... I am always bored uu q ....-

"the Naismo:

The Naismo religion is a non-q is rooted in the principles of" Kyoismo.

-For q Naismo?
Naismo, Japan Nai = nothing. As one of the q Kyoismo early, and as a tribute to that, it is indifference, that is, the non-taste for anything, I decided to call the no-religion born in the wake of Kyoismo, Naismo.

-Q is the Kyoismo?
The Kyoismo is the way to call the attitude of Kyo, vocalist, lyricist and self-proclaimed prophet, Dir en Grey, music group (J-Rock) Japanese.
The main points of Kyoismo would act on instinct and be indifferent to everything; but another point / counterpoints will be q, based on a q acts on instinct, you can say something and deny it a moment later.
-Decalogue: Acting on instinct

be indifferent to the opinions of others
be indifferent to the feelings of others
q Do not regret anything that has been or Learn

d their own mistakes and vindicate freedom to refuse Freedom
to lie or not to answer questions to get to sleep
be receiving questions than everyone
be yourself until the end
-Principles: Always act instinctively

be indifferent to the opinions of others
Ser indifferent to feelings of others
Hate gets us nowhere, the opposite of love is indifference
q No regret nothing has been done or said
not ask for favors, d as possible, but accept the help offered t q is always
Freedom to change the rules at your leisure, to deny yourself and reafirmarte again. "

good, and d after that, nothing more, I think XD q

enough when I got inspired and write something coerente, qd 3 posts q I, a kada kual worst uu bai

chuu ~ ~ ~ ~! ^ 0 ^!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hot Women On Motorcycles

q vagancia vs im lazy

well, I aki my dilemma: if I have
q aki start writing things ... if not do it in English or in English uu q
so I will do so in English for vagrancy, q decides to ...
I'm really writing to write, to fill gap, by updating a poko ... I do not want anything aunke
uu i was going around lately that dq am poor and just want d go d my move, and. well, is not compatible ... Q
so, basically, I need to work NOW. once you have saved ... not whether to go to Japan or move, aunke kreo ke ire to Japan before ...
by q, if I have Kurro, at least, I can catch the train and visit with people far away XD once or 2 a month .. assuming that q does not have order d d Kurro Y_Y weeks
well, nothing, and my economic situation explikada ...
aps, Akaba q d remember yesterday i was drawing to Youk, singer d + doll clothes, so I q a scanner yesterday ^ ^
send an email to Youk, not if I will answer or not but ... anyway ... uu q
look at me that I have carefully by LJ dl q still not very well how to set all this ... calmly, q toy today

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Ceramic Kitchen Wares On Sale


bienvenidooous vague vv! ^ ^ Wenu
, I am not very d write, but I opened it to use certain things and certain things to access other
XDDD asi q d as I am but pictures, leave a couple aki ^ 0 ^ d links
my cartoon:
my myspace:

to see if I cheer up and let d pictures instead directly links and write something ...
jou ... uu wrote before but