Tuesday, October 2, 2001

British Soft Hair Cat


thanks God!I am in good health!have no money,thanks God!
Allah! please foregive my genadic!

Monday, August 13, 2001

Can I Claim My Mother Who Gets Ssi


I need something,but I do not know what,
and why

Saturday, August 4, 2001

Alternative To Adderall

A pit

Dear A pit
it is so painful

Wednesday, July 18, 2001

Spinning In London Exercise

ali1352 @ 2001-07-18T13:36:00

I am the Earth!
you are Spring!
I am a tree
you are the Earth!
you are that high mountains who lough to every
black cloud!

Sunday, July 1, 2001

Digitus Da-70820 Installation


If I have more money ,Then I am more poor!

it is better to we have no money!
then We are safe.

Monday, June 25, 2001

Pokémon Dawn Silver

Town after sea

there is a town after sea !
where the God can be seen through Windowes!
we must make a boat!
there is a town....

sohrab sepehri(late)

Extreme Female Curves Butts

thin films exam

thin films exam is very easy ,I am happy
maybe i get 18 out of 20,Allah knowes,