Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Baseball Skull Session

@ 2004-07-27T12: 30:00

Some notes gathered on cocaine

xD -> Robert Sabbag, an expert on cocaine in Ciego Snow says:

If you have a friend stuck in traffic, hopefully achieved test the nearly pure cocaine, not yet cut, and then have the feeling that the nerve endings have drowned in champagne and know first what it is about the party. One one only need to register and remain overnight

-> Sigmund Freud, the so-called father of psychoanalysis, described the effect of cocaine as

... exhilaration and lasting euphoria, which are not involved in any way in the joy of a normal person ... He feels an increase in self-control, greater strength and greater capacity for work. On the other hand, if you work, you lose the volatility of the mental forces that lead to alcohol, tea and coffee. Just be normal and it soon becomes difficult to understand that you are under the influence of a drug. You can play physical or mental work for a long time without fatigue vanish as if the need to eat or sleep, which would otherwise be felt at certain times of day.

-> Cocaine in English is called "coke", "snow" "Blow", "lady" and "flake."


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